Original, handmade prints are unique works of art. The composition is worked out by the artist, often through a series of drawings, and then the artist chooses a form of printmaking that would best suit the drawing (i.e. screen printing, collagraph, lithography, engraving or etching etc.). The printing plate, stone, block or screen is then worked into by hand in order to create the image which will be printed. This is often a time consuming and skilled process, where problems have to be overcome. Knowledge of how different materials and inks will print; the registration of separate colour plates; finding the correct timings to cook an etching plate in acid or expose a screen printing mesh to UV rays, can each make or break a finished piece of art. Every artist will therefore develop their own unique approach to making a fine art print.
Colour mixing inks and printing by hand is another area which requires skill, experience and a personal approach.