Handcrafted Stories In Ink

Flash Fiction

Very Short Original Stories




Rick Clarke

The people that used to be known as angels are far and few between nowadays. Those I have met have been far from angelic.

The miracles performed by these ‘Angels’ have limits.  They are born with so much power, but once it's gone, it's gone.  So you have to be careful not to waste the little that you are given, before you wake up one day just an average Joe,  with no turning back but old age and death.

That's why the old miracles were spectacular, and today, well you'd be lucky to see one in your lifetime.

In the end most of the angels fell from Grace and used up the remnants of there power on money, fame and good sex. Hell, why not!! It takes a while for each angel to figure out that they can't change the world. - So if you can't change it, why not use your mojo for yourself.  

That's why I'm frustrated. I've still got some juice left - not much, but enough for a good life.  But I'm not going to use it, not like that. I'm still old school, waiting for the miracle that counts!!

What a loser, that's what the others think of me. Struck in a crappy deaden job that I can't afford to quit.  Hating everyday - every single day...But with a flick of a finger I could change it all - tempting!

I could be president, or a film star.  I get close to burning the last of my juice away more times than I remember, but each time I know that somewhere, well almost anywhere, there's someone who really needs this last miracle that's burning off the tip of my fingers.

Isn't a life saved, or sight restored, worth a mountain of gold?...We'll,  I can't afford to pay for next month's rent, and that gold looks good.

It's just frustrating, to keep on grinding, when I know I that could secure my daughter's future, no her wildest dreams, in a moment….but something always stops me.  - But now, and I mean right now, in this moment I'm glad. Because a few moments ago a tired truck driver just ran flat over two kids. Everyone was saying it was horrific, but somehow, somehow, they survived - not a scratch.

Everyone is saying it's a miracle and their mum is crying.  I guess I should get to my crappy job. Looks like I'm going to be there a while
